The common cold and influenza are far more common during the winter months. The cold and flu can make one miserable for days. Fortunately, there are ways that the cold and flu can be prevented.
Wash Hands
Washing hands is one of the best ways to prevent any infection. Everyone should wash their hands with warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds.
Get the Flu Shot
The flu shot is an essential part of preventive care for kids. Every year, people die from the flu. Many of these people were healthy, but did not have the flu shot. Flu shots in Lubbock can reduce the severity of the illness.
Do Not Share Cups
Sharing cups and utensils can easily transfer the cold and flu viruses. You should also avoid serving food from one bowl. Everyone should have their own food bowl.
Use Garlic
Adding garlic to food can help boost the immune system. If you are a nursing mother, then garlic can also increase your milk supply.
Cover Your Cough
You should cover your cough and teach your children to do the same. No one should cough into their hand. They should cough into the crook of their arm.
Avoid Crowded Places
Places like bouncy houses, indoor playgrounds and ball pits can be a breeding ground for germs. People can easily swap saliva and mucus in those places. If you have to take your children to a crowded place, then you will need to make sure that they wash their hands immediately.
Exercise helps boost the immune system. There is nothing wrong with playing outside. The cold air does not cause a cold, only germs can spread a cold.
Use Paper Towels
Paper towels should be used instead of communal towels. Communal towels can easily spread the cold and flu.
Eat and Sleep Well
Getting a good sleep and eating well can boost the immune system.
Skip Supplements
Vitamin C and zinc are often called immune boosters. However, these supplements have not been studied in children. Instead of buying supplements, you should buy tissue, soap and hand sanitizer.
Where to get Flu Shots for Kids
You should contact a pediatrician in Lubbock if you are interested in getting flu shots for your children.
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