12 Newborn Mom Tips

12 Newborn Mom Tips

Many new moms have questions about newborn health care in Lubbock. There are a number of great tips that will help new moms adjust to having a newborn.

Babies do not Need Total Silence to Sleep

Babies are used to noise in the womb. That is why it is possible for them to sleep even if there is a lot of noise in your home. You can wash dishes, vacuum and do other things while your baby is sleeping.

Soothe Your Baby

There are a variety of ways that you can soothe your baby. You can pat your baby on the back. You can also swaddle and hold your baby.

Help Your Baby Latch

If your baby is having issues breastfeeding, then this may be due to latching issues. You can use breast shields to help your baby latch.

Get Prepped

Life will be a lot less stressful if you prepare ahead of time. You should have everything out for the feedings ahead of time. You should also use the baby’s nap time to work out, shower or nap.

Keep Your Baby Awake During the Feedings

Babies sleep longer when they are full. That is why it is important to keep them awake during the feedings.

Help Your Baby Bond With Dad

Bonding allows the baby to get used to dad’s touch and smell. It will also give you a break.

Make the Crib Comfortable

Babies like sleeping on mom because of the warmth. You can use a heating pad to warm up the crib before you put the baby in it. You can also use a warm blanket.

Sleep Trick

If your baby has a hard time going to sleep, then rubbing their nose may help.

Do not Worry About a Schedule

Many new parents are frustrated because they take advice from other people. They are often told to keep their babies on a schedule. However, babies get tired and hungry at different times. That is why sticking to a schedule may be impossible.

The First Bath

Most babies’ umbilical cord will fall off by the third week. You can make this bath comfortable by putting a warm washcloth over their belly.

Why Babies may Cry

Babies cry because they are hungry, bored or need a diaper change. However, they may be crying because they are sleepy.

Layer the Crib

You do not want to have to unmake the bassinet or crib every time that you need to take your baby out of the crib. It is best for you to use two layers of sheets in the crib.

If you have any questions about newborn care, then you will need to contact a pediatrician in Lubbock. The newborn doctors in Lubbock can provide your baby with quality health care.

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