A Guide for First-Time Parents

A Guide for First-Time Parents

First-time parents need a pediatrician in Lubbock to guide them as they begin their parenting journey. Most parents have questions about newborn sleep, feeding their baby, and giving the baby’s first bath. Dr. Alami is committed to providing the best health care for babies in Lubbock and is eager to answer any questions you have.

Your Newborn’s Sleep
Newborn babies should get 14-17 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period, and some babies sleep as much as 19 or 20 hours. This is normal and necessary for your young one’s development. Try to soothe your baby to sleep after one hour of wakefulness to avoid becoming overtired. Always lay your baby on the back to sleep to prevent SIDS and remove loose blankets, bumpers, and stuffed animals from the crib. Most newborns prefer to be swaddled while sleeping. If you need help learning to swaddle we can help you with that at your next appointment.

Your Sleep
New parents often worry about how their newborn’s sleep cycles will impact their own sleep, which is understandable. We advise that you arrange for help caring for your newborn so you can get longer stretches of sleep when you can. Minimize activities and plan to stay home for several weeks until you all adjust to this new rhythm.

Feeding Your Newborn
Newborns are typically ready to eat every two or three hours at first, with progressively longer stretches during the evening hours. Some parents find it useful to track their baby’s sleeping and eating patterns as this is usually a predictable cycle. Talk to Dr. Alami if you’re concerned that your baby is getting enough to eat. Never miss routine check-ups to ensure that your baby’s growth is on track.

Bathing Your Newborn
The baby’s first bath is an exciting milestone for parents. Before you bathe your baby, be sure that you have everything you need in place or within reach. Never leave a baby unattended near water for any reason. If the phone rings, ignore it. If you forget something, remove your baby from the water before going to retrieve what you need. This is critical for the safety of your baby. Most newborns do not need to be bathed daily, two or three times a week will suffice until the baby is mobile. In fact, too much bathing can cause the baby’s skin to become dry which leads to discomfort and fussing.

Finding the best newborn health care in Lubbock
Bringing a baby home from the hospital can be a joyfully terrifying experience, but first-time parents needn’t fear. It’s important to select a pediatrician in Lubbock before your baby arrives. As you review newborn doctors in Lubbock, we hope that you will schedule a visit with Dr. Alami and learn more about how we can help you prepare for your first baby.

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