Teens and Young Adults Need Checkups Too

Teens and Young Adults Need Checkups Too

Parents know the importance of yearly checkups for their children when they’re little, but checkups are equally important as children progress into their teenage years. During this time, they are rapidly growing, both physically and mentally. Preventive care for teens and young adults should follow the same schedule as preventive care for kids with yearly visits to their doctor as well as twice yearly visits to the dentist.

Helping Teens Build a Healthy Relationship With Their Doctor
Teens and young adults will eventually need to take charge of their own healthcare once they’re on their own. Teaching them which questions to ask during each visit and how to access their medical record is one way parents can help their children learn how to manage their own healthcare.

By the age of 12, children should start having a few minutes alone with their doctor at each checkup to discuss any personal issues. That’s why it’s crucial that parents find a trusted doctor for teens so they are comfortable letting them speak privately for a few moments. Allowing teens and young adults to talk confidentially with their healthcare provider is the first step in building a solid doctor-patient relationship.

What to Expect During a Checkup
As children get older, their healthcare needs change. Where once checkups revolved around viruses and vaccinations now the topics of conversation include social media usage, avoidance of drugs and alcohol, and sexuality. Some questions that a pediatrician in Lubbock may ask a teen or young adult during their checkup include, but are not limited to:

– How many people live in your home?
– What’s your favorite subject in school?
– How often do you use social media?
– Have you ever been offered drugs or alcohol and, if so, have you tried them?
– Are you familiar with the different forms of contraception?
– Have you ever been bullied at school or online?

In addition to several questions, the doctor will also review their medical record and perform any required immunizations, hearing and vision tests, and check them over from head to toe.

Following Up With Your Child
Ask your child how they felt the visit went and review any tests or medications with them. Lead by example and visit your doctor regularly to show them that practicing proper healthcare is an important part of growing up.

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