Adolescent and Teen Medicine
Whether you have skepticism about modern medicine or have been prescribed pills each day, you may have some qualms and concerns when it comes to medications for your adolescents and teenagers. Instead of trying to guess what path to take, you should visit a doctor for teens near you for a variety of reasons.
Proper Dosage
Chances are that you have some medications at home to temporarily relieve pain. Even these bottles themselves may warn you of the dangers of giving them to children without first consulting a doctor. When you have questions about if a medication is safe to give to your children, you can speak with the doctor for teens near you. You should also ask if the dosage and frequency information listed on the bottle applies to your teenagers and adolescents.
Recurring Symptoms
If your kids are constantly complaining of headaches, stomach problems or other issues, you should speak with a pediatrician near you. While you may have medication that they’ve been taking at home, these problems need further consideration when they are recurring. In fact, you may learn that the medications are actually the cause of the problem or, at the least, playing a role in making the issue worse. The pediatrician near you can suggest alternate paths to take.
Preventative Measures
Perhaps you may have a certain condition that runs in the family, or maybe your doctor has stated that your teenagers are starting to show early signs of certain conditions. Speaking with the doctor about pediatric prescriptions in Lubbock can help you to better understand if medication is the solution. The pediatrician in Lubbock may suggest that your kids begin to take medication; however, the answer may be found in a more healthy lifestyle or in natural approaches. Scheduling an appointment with a pediatrician in Lubbock allows you to get these answers.
Concerns about Addiction
It’s also possible that you are concerned about your teenagers taking any medication because you have worries about addiction. Speaking with the doctor about pediatric prescriptions in Lubbock can help give you a more realistic perspective of the situation. For example, you may learn that the medications your children are taking do not have addictive characteristics. On the other hand, you may discover that it would be better to switch to another prescription for safety and health purposes.
Educating Your Kids
When your children are teenagers and adolescents, they may tend to brush aside your concerns about medication as unimportant. As you may have noticed, they might tend to listen better when someone else conveys information to them. Therefore, by taking them to the doctor, they have a greater chance of understanding how seriously they need to take medication.
When it comes to medicine, you want to ensure that you are making the right decisions for your children. In many cases, trying to figure out this information properly without the help of a doctor, is impossible. Therefore, we advise you to schedule an appointment as soon as possible!
Call us today to schedule an appointment and visit our website at