Ways to Prevent Abusive Head Trauma

Ways to Prevent Abusive Head Trauma

Abusive head trauma (AHT) is a preventable, yet potentially severe and long-lasting form of physical child abuse. The most common type of abusive head trauma is shaken baby syndrome. Tragically, because the brains of young babies are still...


Is Adderall Safe for My Child?

Is Adderall Safe for My Child?

Your Child’s Health Parents are very invested in their child’s health, which can be a great motivator in learning different health outcomes for their child based on various medical therapies. Understanding your child’s drug prescriptions is...


Anxiety in Teens

Anxiety in Teens

Anxiety in Teens While anxiety is certainly a normal psychological reaction to stress and can, in a small and healthy amount, even help people to perform important tasks, too much causes problems in day to day life. Anxiety in teens is often...


Child Need a Physical Exam?

Child Need a Physical Exam?

When Does Your Child Need a Physical Exam? To monitor your child’s health and growth, he or she should see their pediatrician in Lubbock for physicals for children in Lubbock at routine appointments throughout their childhood. During these...

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