Can a Child Outgrow Asthma?

Can a Child Outgrow Asthma?

Some children seem to grow out of asthma as they get older. In reality, the child might not have asthma, but might suffer from another disease that mimics the breathing disorder. Some of the illnesses that have symptoms similar to asthma include:

  • Bronchiolitis
  • Bronchitis
  • Recurring pneumonia
  • Several other disorders that cause shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing.

Children with mild asthma and disorders mentioned like the ones above might seem to stop having symptoms for a while. But as they age, these children sometimes experience a recurrence of their asthma-like symptoms.

Children with moderate to severe asthma, however, continue to have wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath. Children with severe asthma, especially those who are allergic to pets, tend to get asthma. The best way to get a confirmed diagnosis is to see a child doctor for chronic conditions who is skilled in making a diagnosis of whether the child has asthma or some other condition that also needs treatment.

Helping Your Child with Asthma
Pediatricians work in conjunction with parents to assist their child with asthma. One of the important ways of dealing with asthma remains to develop a written asthma action plan. This plan tracks the medication taken, doses, and any medicine changes that may occur. Another area tracked by the plant are the triggers that set off your child’s asthma attacks. You’ll also need to notate the attacks your child does have. Once you discover the triggers for your child’s attacks, the number of problems your youngster has with asthma should diminish.

If you are looking for an expert pediatrician in Lubbock, Texas that is skilled in providing care for chronic conditions health care in the Lubbock area, then contact us today.

For excellent pediatric care, we are the team that you and your child can trust. If your child has trouble breathing or needs chronic conditions health care Lubbock, don’t delay in finding them treatment.

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