How Autism is Diagnosed

How Autism is Diagnosed

Autism is a complex diagnosis that cannot simply be diagnosed with tests or x-rays. Doctors have to ask questions of the family, plus caregivers and teachers, to get a full understanding of the big picture. Often, in early infancy, children display behaviors atypical of other children, thus clueing their families in that something may need further evaluation. Autism is merely the commonly accepted name for a wide array of disorders in this spectrum. Child behavioral services often offer up testing to help parents find out whether their child has autism or any of the diagnoses that fall under this spectrum.

Autism treatment Lubbock may be recommended when milestones are not reached in the appropriate time frame for average development. Likewise, when a parent believes there are developmental issues, doctors and specialists will consider descriptions of behavior related to them by family members, teachers, and others who interact with the child on a regular basis. These observations are a critical clue when it comes to a proper autism diagnosis. You should report all of the findings related to how your child interacts with other people socially, as well as their style of play and comfort in situations that most children adapt to well, such as dining out, playing outside, or waiting in a doctor’s office. Key aspects of discovering autism-related disorders include whether or not your child behaves in a manner appropriate for their age and how psychologically and emotionally they cope with change and introduction to new environments. Mental health therapy for children can assist in helping everyone in the child’s life cope with what comes after a diagnosis is made, one way or another.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) actually started recommending that all children, despite suspecting developmental delays, be screened for autism spectrum disorders at both their 18 and 24 month well child visits. Doctors and educators are all aware that the earlier the intervention, the better the outcome for the child. There is a lot of support available for the families of children affected by developmental delays, as well as supplemental therapies to assist in their care. Many children with autism are capable of a full life, including someday having a family of their own. As with many conditions, there are degrees of disability, some less severe than others. Consequently, of children with autism spectrum disorders, a certain percentage of those children will need an abundance of additional support educationally and emotionally, while others will do fine in a traditional class setting. Your child’s pediatrician in Lubbock can offer referrals and suggestions should they suspect or confirm autism.

The bottom line is that should you feel that your child plays, sounds or acts differently than other children, you should have a safe place with their physician to bring your concerns. Together, and with other specialists in autism spectrum disorders, you will be able to arrive at a diagnosis and offer your child proper intervention so they may enjoy life and live it to the fullest, with or without autism.

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